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Columbine Capsule 

Capsula De Columbine

Columbine Capsule

Principal's Notes September 2024

Dear Columbine Family, 

Welcome back to school! We have had a great start to the year. The students are back in the routine and are learning lots everyday. 

Thank you for your vigilance during drop off and pick up. With more than 430 students at Columbine, there are many people outside at the end of the day. You can help streamline the pick up process by staying in your car and pulling forward. 

Columbine is partnering with Big Kahuna for the fundraiser again this year. Your student will bring home sales packets on September 25 and orders are due October 8. Big Kahuna has expanded their online catalog immensely, so if your customers can't find what they want in the catalog, encourage them to look online. Proceeds from the fundraiser pay for field trips, teacher appreciation and meals, and the House shirts.

I look forward to a great year with your students! If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, 

Simone Carruth


Columbine Wellness

Columbine House Meetings will be on Thursday this year. All students have received a new House T-shirt. Please encourage them to wear their shirts to school on Thursdays. This year, our weekly House Meetings will have a social-emotional theme guiding the activities. The theme will change each month, and September will kick off the year with Self Awareness. Students will focus on being aware of their emotions. They will learn to identify many emotions, more than the basics of angry, sad, and happy. They will learn about growth mindset compared with fixed mindset and learn skills to shift their mindsets. 

Important Dates

September 2-Labor Day

September 5-First Day of Hip Hop

September 6-Picture Day

September 10-PTO Meeting

September 11-First Day of Choristers

September 15-Hispanic Heritage Month begins

September 25-Fundraiser Kickoff

Back to School Jokes

Q: What did the buffalo say at drop off?

A: Bison

Q: Why don't fish get a summer vacation?

A: Because they are always in a school.

Q: What flies around the school at night?

A: An alpha-bat

Q: What is the smartest bug?

A: A spelling bee.

Q: Why can't you take a test in the jungle?

A: There are too many cheetahs.


Who's there?


Justin who?

Justin time for the first day of school.