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Cápsula de Columbine de Diciembre
Columbine Capsule
Principal's Notes December 2024
Dear Columbine Family,
Holiday season is upon us! I would like to thank all of the community organizations who are so generous to our students. We had 10 winners of turkeys and sides. Thank you to Mr. Barkley for organizing another fantastic Turkey Trot.
Food Bank of the Rockies has begun delivering Totes of Hope. Totes of Hope is a grocery bag full of non-perishable food delivered every week. If you are not currently receiving a bag and would like to, please reach out to Mrs. Monsivais in the front office.
Middle of the year benchmark academic testing will begin December 4. Please do your best to get your students to school on time and well-rested so they can do their best on the tests.
The Big Kahuna fundraiser raised over $23,000. Thank you again to everyone who participated! These funds pay for field trips, supplies for classroom activities, and supporting teachers. If you would like to help decide where the money goes, please come to the next PTO meeting on January 14 at 3:45.
Thank you,
Simone Garvin
Columbine Wellness
During December, we are focusing on coping skills. Holidays can be a stressful time of year for many people, including for kids. Some strategies you can use at home if you notice your student feeling anxious or stressed include the following:
- Hang a page with feeling faces on your refrigerator. Ask your child to point to what they are feeling.
- Have fidgets available such as play dough, slinkies, and squishies.
- Get moving. Go outside, go to a park, or play catch. Enroll your child in activities that give them opportunity for movement.
Important Dates
December 6 — FMHS choir performing for Columbine students
December 10— Columbine Choristers Concert
December 20—Last day of school before Winter Break
January 7—Return to school
January 15– 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Stock Show
Winter Jokes
Q: What bites but doesn’t have teeth?
A: Frost
Q: What kind of fish do penguins catch at night?
A: Starfish
Q: What does a gingerbread man put on his bed?
A: A cookie sheet!
Q: Who is Frosty’s favorite aunt?
A: Aunt Arctica
Q: What can you catch in winter, even with your eyes closed?
A: A cold
Who’s there?
Snow who?
Snow one’s better than you.