Parental Guidance and Expectations
Commitments to Excellence
Please see District Policy information on our website ~
Parents Please Keep These Items at Home
Any toy, collection cards ex. Pokemon trading cards, or other item that would be distracting to the student or others in the classroom. Besides interfering with learning, these items sometimes disappear ―creating additional problems.
Any weapon or any item which could reasonably be used as a weapon or appear as a weapon ex. toy gun and small pocket knives. They could present a danger to other students and staff members.
Any animal or plant, unless it serves an educational purpose and receives prior approval.
Cash at school is not typically needed and can disappear.
Suggestions to Parents
Parents play a very important role in making the school experience a successful one. A few suggestions for all school children are:
Encourage your child to go to bed early and get plenty of rest.
Encourage your child to eat a good breakfast before coming to school.
Encourage your child to respect the rights and property of others.
Encourage your child to be thoughtful of others.
Encourage your child to take and accept responsibility.
Demonstrate to your children that you value the importance of a good education.
Read -- to your child, and with your child. Model that you value reading.
Be an active, involved parent ― showing your child that you care.
School/Parent Policy Compact (Title 1)
Please see District Policy information on our website ~