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School Procedures and Policies

Change of Address

Should your present address or telephone number change, please notify the school office immediately (867-7418).

Children Leaving the Building

Students will not be allowed to leave the building during school hours unless checked out through the school office by the parent or guardian. If you need another adult to pick up a student during school hours, please notify the office ahead of time.  Adults who are not listed on Infinite Campus will not be allowed to remove a child from school. This is necessary as we work to protect the safety and well-being of all students.

Classroom Visitation

You are encouraged to visit your child’s class at any time.  Please contact the school office to make arrangements for a visitation.  Children will not be allowed to visit unless accompanied by an adult.

Dropping Off/Picking Up Students

The east parking loop adjacent to West Street is our pick-up zone at the end of the school day for grades 2 and 3. First graders are to be picked up in the south parking loop, adjacent to the alley. Grades 4 and 5 are to be picked up on West Ninth Street.  IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THE LARGE NUMBER OF PARENTS WANTING TO PICK UP THEIR CHILDREN, PLEASE DRIVE TO THE FURTHEST END OF THE PICK-UP ZONE. Do not leave your car in this area unattended. If you park on the street to pick/drop off your child, please instruct him/her to walk safely and use crosswalks when crossing streets.  In the interest of student safety, we suggest no pedestrian traffic through the parking lot during that busy time immediately before and after school.  We ask that you do not bring pets to school when picking up students. Even though your pet is on a leash, it has potential to be a concern.

Electronic Devices

Use of electronic communication devices in school situations disrupts and interferes with the educational process.  Students are encouraged not to bring electronic devices to school.  This includes cell phones, digital cameras, Game Boys, etc.  If you child does bring an electronic communication device, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the device is turned off and out of site during unauthorized times.   We do have phones in every classroom.  The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of electronic communication devices brought onto school property.    


A list of school supplies will be published for parents on the website. Occasionally fees will be required for field trips. 

Students who damage or lose school-owned textbooks, chrome books, or other items will be expected to pay for replacement.

Retention Policy

Please see District Policy information on our website ~

Right to Searches 

The principal or designee may search a student or a student’s personal possessions on school grounds or during a school activity held off school premises if there is reasonable cause for believing that the student is concealing materials the possession of which is prohibited by Board Policy or which are otherwise detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of other students or school personnel.  Regarding searches:

  • Searches shall be made in the presence of an adult witness.  

  • Searches of the person of a student shall be limited to:

    • Searches shall be made in the presence of an adult witness.
    • Any object in the possession of the student, including but not limited to a purse, briefcase, backpack, or coat.

    • No strip search can be carried out by any employee.

  • Student desks, lockers, etc. can be searched when the person conducting the search has reasonable suspicion.

  • Anything found during such a search which is dangerous to others or prohibited at the school shall be seized by school personnel.  At this point it can be used as evidence in a suspension or expulsion hearing, or it may be turned over to law enforcement personnel.

Volunteer Responsibilities

Columbine School has an active Parent-Teacher organization (P.T.O.).  The P.T.O. exists in order to promote a close relationship between parents and staff of the school.  Our P.T.O. serves the school in various ways, including:

  • Promoting and organizing a community volunteer network for the school.

  • Serving as a branch of our school accountability process.

  • Hosting/helping with various school functions (e.g... Teacher Appreciation Day, Fall Festival, etc...).

  • Organizing our school’s after-school enrichment program.

  • Providing additional educational opportunities for our students.

  • Raising funds for school equipment, projects, and programs.

Currently, the P.T.O meets on a monthly basis, with work groups meeting as needed. These meetings will be publicized in the Columbine Capsule as well as earlier in this booklet, and interested parents are encouraged to attend. Parents and other community members are also encouraged to phone the school if they would like a particular item to be discussed at a P.T.O. meeting. 

Special programs to which you might enjoy contributing time and talent are:

  • Room Helpers -- assisting with classroom holiday parties or as needed.

  • Volunteer Teacher Assistants -- assisting teachers in preparing materials.

  • Resource persons for special units of study.

  • After-School Enrichment program -- we are always looking for teachers.

  • Hospitality -- serve at school functions.

If one of the above interests you, please contact the school or one of this year’s P.T.O. officers.  WE WANT YOU TO BE INVOLVED IN THE LIFE OF YOUR SCHOOL!