Student Services and Programs
Breakfast/Lunch Program
Please see District Policy information on our website ~
Lunch/Breakfast Program
Please see District Policy information in the back of the book.
For students wanting seconds for lunch, all students are required to pay for the main dish
Lunch Room Expectations
We try to promote a friendly, courteous atmosphere in our lunchroom. Students are allowed to talk to neighboring students, but loud and distracting behavior is not acceptable. Students who cannot behave appropriately will eat in the office. Continued unacceptable behavior will result in a contact with the parent. Each student is expected to show proper respect to the cooks, teacher assistants, and classmates. Students do not return to the classroom after lunch, but go directly outside from the cafeteria.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Programming
Morgan County School District Re-3 serves the needs of many second―language learners. All elementary buildings provide the services of an ELL CLD teacher along with support from one or more teacher assistants.
Students may qualify for CLD programming if their Home Language Questionnaire indicates a Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE). Such students are evaluated using the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) to determine language proficiency (oral, reading, listening, and writing). Instructional programming is then designed to support the student’s language proficiency level. Instructional services may include “pull-out” support during which time students participate in small group instruction with the CLD teacher. Sheltered instruction in the regular classroom is another means of serving English language learners whose needs are better served in this fashion. All instruction is conducted in English with translation support as needed and appropriate. Depending upon intensity of need, some students receive support from a teacher assistant during content area instruction.
Staff in all buildings is provided information from the CLD teachers outlining each student’s language profile and teaching strategies appropriate for English language instruction. Extended learning opportunities are also available at all buildings which may include tutoring; supplemental and intervention instruction throughout the regular day; and/or summer school.
The Morgan County School District Re-3 provides free language assistance for any parent/guardian who requests support in speaking, reading, writing, or comprehending English. The school will provide language assistance for anyone who requests it without question. Please contact the school office for assistance.
Holiday Celebrations
Room parties are scheduled at Columbine for Halloween and Valentine’s Day. Students should get the permission of the classroom teacher before bringing treats for a special occasion. We encourage healthy treats, please. Alternative activities will be provided for those students whose parents wish for them not to participate in these events. Please refrain from bringing gifts to school for your child for any celebration times as they will not be allowed into the classroom area.
Playground Expectations
We want students to enjoy recess time - but our primary concern is safety. Because of this, we will follow these general guidelines:
All student recesses will be supervised by one or more school staff members.
We will expect students to follow directions and treat others with respect.
Playground equipment is to be used only as intended (slides are to be used to go down only).
Students are not to jump from equipment.
Supervisors may limit the number of students allowed on a given piece of equipment at a time.
Rocks, sand, or other objects may not be thrown.
Inappropriate language or actions will not be tolerated.
Hard baseballs are not allowed at school ― supervisors may also prohibit other items which they feel might be dangerous to students.
NO Tackle Football.
Students not following these guidelines will be provided with a consequence which may include suspension or loss of outside recess privileges.
Riding the Bus
Students are to ride only on their assigned bus. If they are not to ride the bus on a given day, please phone the office with this information before 2:30 p.m. Only students assigned to buses may ride them, unless an exception has been approved by the transportation director.
Students and parents are reminded that riding the bus is a privilege. Students who choose to behave poorly on the bus are a safety hazard to the other students on the bus and may lose their bus-riding privilege for a period of time. To make behavior expectations more clear, the following guidelines are in place:
Pupils shall board the bus without crowding or pushing, and shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Pupils shall not extend arms, legs, or head out the bus windows.
Pupils shall not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion except in an emergency. At all other times, voices should remain at a conversational level.
Pupils will not tamper with the emergency doors or any part of the bus equipment nor shall windows be opened except when permitted by the bus driver.
Pupils shall not deface the bus or its equipment.
Pupils shall not fight or scuffle on the bus or throw objects from the window.
Pupils will keep books, lunchboxes, and similar objects out of the aisle of the bus and there will be no eating on the bus.
Pupils must remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop.
Pupils shall leave the bus in an orderly manner.
Pupils are expected to be at assigned bus stops at the scheduled time and are not to be picked up or discharged at any other stop.